Apiumhub se convierte en partner de React Summit

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¡Reserva la fecha! ¡Del 3 al 4 de noviembre! ¡evento online para desarrolladores de React JS! ¡Apiumhub siempre participa como ponente, patrocinador o colaborador en eventos tecnológicos que marcan la diferencia y React Summit es uno de ellos! ¡Absolutamente recomendable! Ya hemos participado en ediciones anteriores de eventos organizados por Geekle y todos han estado a un nivel muy alto con expertos de primera línea en la materia.

En esta ocasión React Summit espera contar con más de 10.000 inscripciones, más de 25 ponentes de primer nivel y más de 15 casos de uso reales.

Este evento reúne a ponentes de empresas de primera línea como: 

  • Netflix
  • Adobe
  • Amazon
  • Microsoft
  • Affirm
  • Red hat
  • Cloudinary
  • Codeacademy
  • JetBrains

Este evento tendrá una mezcla de conferencias y talleres


  • ReactJS API Integration using Axios
  • AI and Computer Vision in Web App 
  • Components in Markdown: MDX, MDJS, MD Vite
  • Common Hooks Mistakes using ReactJS
  • Animating React Apps with Framer Motion
  • Optimization Strategies for Building Performant Data Visualizations
  • Continuous Localization (w/ React)
  • Seven Common Hooks Mistakes
  • The Legendary Fountain of Truth: Componentize Your Documentation
  • Achieving Component Reusability with Hooks
  • How thinking of GraphQL Queries as state machines makes building react applications easier
  • React full stack in production
  • React and MediaPipe: powering web applications with AI and Computer Vision
  • Real time video communication with ReactJS and WebRTC
  • How to View and React without a Head
  • Modern Day React (with Hooks)
  • Blazing Fast React Ecommerce Application With GraphQL
  • The Beauty of Design Systems
  • Micro Frontends in a nut shell
  • The 10x Pull Request
  • React Reactive using RxJS
  • Bolstering organizational silos with micro-frontends: a react based enterprise approach
  • The path to leadership for engineers
  • Learning TypeScript in React During Year One: From Scary Squiggly Lines to My Most Helpful Pairing Buddy
  • Micro-scopes – How to build a modular React App in a bundled world
  • The Eternal Sunshine of the Zero Build Pipeline
  • Getting Personal with Ecommerce, React, & the Static Web
  Entrevista con Alexander von Zitzewitz, ponente en GSAS 2022


  • Converting a React App To TypeScript
  • Building and launching a Jamstack webshop for digital products – Launch your own SaaS service
  • Crash Course into the Jamstack with Next.js & Storyblok
  • Creating Performant React apps

Con ponentes de renombre como: 

  • Alexandru Tapirdea – Web Developer en Adobe
  • Ebenezer Don – Developer Advocate en JetBrains
  • Raagul Nagendran – Associate Software Engineer en CondeNast
  • Elad Tzemach – Software Developer en Amazon 
  • Souvik Basu – Software Engineer en Microsoft
  • Moshe Kolodny – Senior Full Stack Engineer en Netflix 
  • Anisha Swain – Software Engineer en Red Hat
  • Clement Hoang – Software Engineer en Airtable
  • Y muchos más

Los héroes entre bastidores


  • Geekle


  • Cloudinary
  • Betterme
  • Intellias


  • Apiumhub
  • Hackbudy
  • Frontend.social
  • Girls in Tech Nepal
  • JetBrains
  • ITEA
  • Codeytek academy
  • DNA365 IT recruitment

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  • Ekaterina Novoseltseva

    Ekaterina Novoseltseva is an experienced CMO and Board Director. Professor in prestigious Business Schools in Barcelona. Teaching about digital business design. Right now Ekaterina is a CMO at Apiumhub - software development hub based in Barcelona and organiser of Global Software Architecture Summit. Ekaterina is proud of having done software projects for companies like Tous, Inditex, Mango, Etnia, Adidas and many others. Ekaterina was taking active part in the Apiumhub office opening in Paseo de Gracia and in helping companies like Bitpanda open their tech hubs in Barcelona.

    Ver todas las entradas

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