How to change audio encoding
Today I found myself in a somewhat annoying situation. After obtaining in a totally legal and lawful way a large collection of mp4 videos, I loaded them on my external hard drive, plugged the hard drive into my TV, hit
Today I found myself in a somewhat annoying situation. After obtaining in a totally legal and lawful way a large collection of mp4 videos, I loaded them on my external hard drive, plugged the hard drive into my TV, hit
This article is not going to be an in-depth look at the Scala implicits, it will be about what they are. This article is for those who start learning Scala and need a first-look to the implicits as well for
This is the third article in our series of Scala Generics ( we have already looked at upper and lower Scala Type bounds, Covariance and Contravariance) and today we are going to talk about constraints, to be more specific about generalized
In the previous article we looked at Scala Type bounds, today we will continue with Scala generics and talk about Covariance and Contravariance in generics. Liskov substitution principle (the L. of S.O.L.I.D.) specifies that, in a relation of inheritance, a type
In this article, I will be mentioning Comonads. If you know what they are, great, and if you don’t know, no worries, because this article’s main topic isn’t Comonads. It’s actually about Scala generics, about F-bound, about returning the “Current” Type
Generic types in Scala Generic types, abstract types, scala type bounds, all these concepts are unusual for software developers who are coming from languages in which the generics are not (or barely) used, so in this first article, we will
If you ever had to develop a website, I’m pretty sure you spent hours checking that the website looks correct and that the user flow through the pages is not broken after several changes. Trying the same flow over and