David Ayza Enero

Digital Health Hub
Agile web and app development

Digital health hub: building the innovation ecosystem

We all know about the digital trend, however, is there a healthy digital hub that allows each city or region to grow exponentially and become more and more innovative in a healthy and balanced manner? In this article we will

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The Unbreakable Product Owner
Agile web and app development

The Unbreakable Product Owner: a SuperHero in software development

Superman is the most powerful Marvel superhero without any doubt. Ability to fly, X-rays, strength, invincibility … there were some other characteristics that defined him when it comes to saving other people’s’ lives. In the software development industry, there is a

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Technology industry trends

Augmented reality apps to know about

The industry of AR is a blooming one: It’s actually expected to produce more revenue than VR, and to increase even faster than it in the next years (Digi-Capital.) It is a technology that has come to stay, the new

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Distributed Agile Teams
Agile web and app development

Distributed agile teams: 9 hacks that make them work

The world is going insane. Thousands and thousands of things we have in our brain every day; new stuff to do, new trends to discover, new team members, projects that you have to catch up with, self-education, etc. It seems

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Smart cars
Technology industry trends

Smart cars – driving the innovation

To continue with the AI topic, today, I would like to discuss the role of artificial intelligence technology in automotive industry, smart cars. More and more, robots take over our daily tasks, for example, now our fridges can order food

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Agile web and app development

Cybersecurity – crossing the last frontier

The future landed 10 years ago, and with it an innumerable number of devices, technologies, methodologies, and trends has come with it to stay. Some studies foresee that by 2020 there will be 200 billion connected things. We are talking

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Mixed Reality
Technology industry trends

Mixed Reality – Pushing out into the new world

Mixed reality: pushing out into the new world Imagine walking through the jungle, cutting lianas with your machete and entering yourself into dark caves filled with strange creatures and animals… while being at home. Stop imagining it! And welcome to

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Artificial Intelligence
Technology industry trends

Artificial Intelligence – In math I trust

Artificial intelligence has been shaping our world since the 70’s or even before. There were three big moments of investment going to Artificial intelligence, and those were: Neural networks – statistical machine learning algorithm, which is inspired by the general

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Catalonia´S Economic Impact
Technology industry trends

Catalonia´s economic impact of the referendum

Catalonia and Spain are going through one of the most crucial moments of the Spanish history. After the petitions to the central government for an auto determination referendum and the negatives of the last one, the last October the 1st, the

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Big Data
Technology industry trends

Big Data – application into sports industry

Last Tuesday 24th of October i had the chance to attend to the event that the people from Qlik put together for us in order to learn how the company works and some different case studies about application of big

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