Diego Ojeda

Wordle app in jetpack compose

Creating a Wordle app in Jetpack Compose

Part 1: Let’s start with the domain and the first visual component of our Wordle app By now, you have probably heard of Wordle, an app that gained popularity in late 2021 and continues to attract thousands of users to

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Mobile Development Challenges

Mobile Development Challenges

There are so some common mobile development challenges in recent years, as more and more users are using their mobile devices for all their daily activities, and users are becoming more demanding when it comes to using a mobile application,

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Android Development 3 Lessons Learned apiumhub
Agile web and app development

Android development: 3 lessons learned

This month we have interviewed Diego Ojeda – Android Lead @Apiumhub. In this interview he shares his top 3 lessons learned as well as discusses some recommendations and Android development trends that make a difference nowadays. 1.How to start using

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Android Architecture
Agile web and app development

Android Architecture: Rethinking MVP in Android

Today we will talk about Android Architecture and will rethink the use of MVP in Android. When we talk about software architecture, in Apiumhub we always have in mind the following objectives: Improve testability, expressiveness and reusability. Reduce mocking / stubbing,

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Chaos Engineering Technique
Agile web and app development

Chaos engineering technique

One of the biggest motivations to attend Software Crafters Barcelona this year was the open spaces session. In these open spaces, we discussed very interesting topics like “feature branches vs. continuous integration”, “monoliths vs microservices“, “how to manage diversity in our

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Kotlin Vs Java
Agile web and app development

Java vs Kotlin

In Apiumhub we work with controlerless architecture called Pure MVP a lot ( We named it MVPP ), which is based on the concepts of composition of functions and investment of dependencies. You can find more information about it in

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Pure Model-View-Presenter

Pure Model-View-Presenter in Android

Motivation to talk about Pure Model-View-Presenter in Android: It is quite complicated to find in the software development industry a standard in terms of architecture in Android development. It is true that for some time a very basic MVP has been

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Test Academy Event

A day at the Test Academy event in Barcelona

At Apiumhub, we like to be updated and aware of the latest news in everything that has to do with testing, and that’s why we couldn’t miss the Test Academy event in Barcelona this year. We believe that TDD is a friend

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