Le Dieu

Stages Of Agile Retrospective
Agile web and app development

Stages of agile retrospective & 7 popular techniques

Anyone that works with agile methods must know that retrospective is very important for an agile team and agile planning. Agile retrospective (also called retros) or scrum retrospectives is about looking back at the evolution of the work done over a

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How Do User Stories Affect Teams & Product Quality
Product Ownership

How do User Stories affect teams & product quality?

You may wonder who has the most influence on quality in software development. Which role is more important than the other? What is the relationship between them? When we talk about agile teams, the Product Team (PT) and Development Team

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Big Data Analytics
Technology industry trends

How big data analytics impact your business’ success

Famous article on Forbes by Louis Columbus said that “51% of enterprises intend to invest more in big data”. Visionary leaders know how important information/data will be in the digital age. It is primordial to approach and analyze every customer to

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User Stories; Tips & Best Practices

User stories; tips & best practices

You might have heard about XP Day – an international conference about Extreme Programming and Agile processes. We’re very happy that Apiumhub’s team in Vietnam had the chance to attend this great and helpful event; XP Day Vietnam. We can

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Technology Innovation

Technology innovation: CLAS expara startup accelerator

Technology innovation in Vietnam is booming. By following the latest trends and staying up to date, Apiumhub’s Vietnam team has had various chances to assist to really interesting events, featuring big players in the Information Technologies industry such as Tech

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Tech Transformation With Google For Work

Tech transformation with Google for work in Vietnam

We all know that changes in technology trends are bound to continue, and that through the years, it will still have a significant impact on the way we work, causing constant business transformation. I was really impressed by what Inam Hussain, Head

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Agile Working Without Borders

Apiumhub attends: Google? Yes, Google Vietnam.

Apiumhub was lucky to attended a talk in Vietnam organized by Google: Google Yes, Google Vietnam. It gave us the chance to gain insight from one of the most influential Tech companies in the world. What was said was very interesting, specially the

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Agile working

Agile working without borders; tips & insights

Nowadays, our world allows us to work with people without having to consider the borders between countries. However, how do we adapt in this world with that many barriers such as language, culture, working style, values, etc. How do we overcome those

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Vietnam Tech Industry
Agile web and app development

Vietnam tech industry going through a huge growth

Nowadays, Vietnam tech industry is growing very fast, specially in terms of internet usage and software development. According to the Euromonitor, Vietnam reached 43 million people using internet comparing to 28 million 5 years ago and e-commerce took a big slice

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Technology Evolution
Offshoring and outsourcing

Vietnam, a bright future for technology evolution

The software development industry in Vietnam has grown spectacularly over the past years. If in 2000 the number of software companies were 25, in 2014 this number reached 4000 and provided more than 55,000 jobs according to Vietnam’s News Agency. Vietnam

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