Jose Castro

Agile web and app development

Pinia as an alternative to Vuex

Introduction Vue 3 has become the default version of Vue and it seems that its ecosystem has undergone a revolution. Before, the recommended tools to work with were Vetur, Vue CLI and Vuex; now they are Volar, Vite and, the

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Agile web and app development


In my previous article I discussed the advantages of using ITCSS to organize our styles, mainly for large projects where several people work. Its use will make our structure much more orderly and make the styles of our application more

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Agile web and app development

Inverted Triangle architecture for CSS (ITCSS)

The concept of modular CSS started to emerge years ago. All of us developers who have worked with CSS have had to deal with the difficulty of making our styles scalable and maintainable when our projects start to grow and,

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