Ramon Felip

Software architecture

Process debt is something you should care about 

Intro and problem statement Early this year, the book Software Architecture Metrics: Case Studies to improve the quality of your architecture was published. This book is very special for Apiumhub, as Christian Ciceri, co-founder and chief architect, is one of

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How To Write Good User Stories
Product Ownership

How to write good User Stories

Good user stories (US henceforth) are a key element in the Agile methodology – It is from the US that we define the functionalities of the application that we are building. The agile methodology is based on the principle that

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Product Leader
Product Ownership

Product Leader – Not (only) agile

The Product Owner or product leader position is one of the most demanded positions in the market today; most companies understand how critical it is to have someone that holds a clear view of the product and can prioritize user stories

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