Albert Gonzalez

Gradle version catalogs on Android

Gradle Version Catalogs on Android

Introduction: Gradle version catalogs Gradle version catalogs allow us to add and maintain dependencies in an easy and scalable way. Apps grow, and managing projects with several development teams increase the compilation time. To address this issue, one potential solution

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Studio Bot: An AI for Android Studio

Studio Bot: An AI for Android Studio

Introduction Every year, Google holds its Google I/O event, an annual developer conference, where the company unveils and showcases its latest developments, technologies, and products. This year, Android Studio’s artificial intelligence add-on was presented to compete with other tools such

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Android App Modularization: 4 Useful Tips to Start

Android app modularization refers to the process of breaking down an Android app into smaller, independent modules. These modules can be thought of as building blocks that can be combined to form the complete app. Each module is typically responsible

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