Augmented reality apps to know about

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The industry of AR is a blooming one: It’s actually expected to produce more revenue than VR, and to increase even faster than it in the next years (Digi-Capital.) It is a technology that has come to stay, the new buzzword. It has been slowly integrated into different environments complimenting the entire message that the company or organisation wants to transmit. Along with the Virtual Reality technology, AR is shaping the way the final consumer is receiving the reality. A.R is about overlapping a computer-layer between your eyes and the reality, in order to create a view that augments the real world. It’s that interaction, big or small, that really sets AR gaming apart from conventional mobile gaming and that creates the best augmented reality apps 

The best augmented reality apps  are opening the door to a market of immersive experiences and sharing “breath-taking” solutions. The spectrum is huge for A.R applications, it goes from the healthcare and medicine education until new ways to enjoy or complement tourism experiences.  

The variety of the best augmented reality apps goes from being able to try out your first tattoo design before getting inked, be able to translate all the billboards when you are in a foreign country or even see how the IKEA furniture fits in your place before buying it. Down below you will find a list with the Top A.R apps for Android and iOS that will blow your mind.

Augmented reality apps to keep an eye on

1.Ink Hunter

Under their logo “think before you ink”, this new app allows users to see how the desired tattoo fits on their skin. Using the camera and the A.R technology, it creates a representation, hologram of the ink in user’s skin. So they can see how it looks on them before they regret spending the money on it.

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2.Google Translate

Real-time text translation of 20 new languages via the camera. The new era of instant translations is happening with Google´s help. With their translation app, the consumer will be able, with their camera, to point at the unknown text and translate it instantly on their camera to the language they need to. App available for both Android and iOS systems.


This app is available for Windows and iOS, the first one only in Beta version. This app allows the consumer to design the desired 3D room and allows users to style it as they want. Basically it lets app users to create the room of their dreams and see how it will look like in a certain space. Users can choose any type of room they want, compute the dimensions and start playing with it. Another great tool is the walking-through mode, where it shows users the final product, and they can actually walk around it, and see the final result !


Holo is the typical app to spend time with the family and friends. It takes a hologram from the app, and inserts a layer onto the camera’s lense. Allowing users to take a picture, for example, with Spiderman. There’s a burgeoning “store” inside the app where users can download different 3D objects, but they’re all either people or animals at the moment. The app is available for both Android and iOS.

5.Stack AR

Stack is available for Android and iOS. Stack AR is a simple game: stack as many bricks and blocks as users can, the tricky stuff lays on the landing. Users have to be very precise where they land them, when they are not accurate, the blocks start to be unbalanced and the entire construction can fall down. With the AR app the shadow created when the bricks land down creates a sense of reality.

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6.IKEA place

Ikea is still working on this app, but the developers have found the way to put their products even on the streets. Consumers don’t have to spend the entire day at the store anymore. With IKEA’s new app, currently only available in iOS, people can get the sofa, wardrobe, or any furniture that IKEA has an put it in any space they want; their house, street, garden, etc.

It is a great advance in terms of customer experience, since it takes off all the headaches. Now, consumers don’t have to spend time in a queue or look at the paper catalogs and wonder if it would fit at home or not. Although there is no search option yet, the app is super fun to play around with. It’s designed so you can easily swipe through its most popular collections, or filter by types of products like “Baby & Children,” or “chairs and desks.” – theverge. com

7.Complete anatomy

This app, currently available for iPAD, MAC and Windows, is a great advance in the education field. The goal is clear, be able to explore and interact with all the different elements of the body: bones, muscles, etc. This app is a game-changer for the talents attraction to the med industry. Now, kids are able to observe their body in a more dynamic and interactive way.


ARise is 3D puzzle game. User’s mission is to create a path so the knight, the adventurer, keeps walking through the journey and different cliff faces. The aim of the game is to align magical connections and create paths.

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9.Night Sky

This is one of the best astronomy app. Night Sky is a game that uses camera lense and educates users on all the different sky objects like stars, etc. Users just have to point it to the sky and simply identify stars, planets, constellations and satellites above. Unfortunately it is only available in iOS now.

10.Air Mesure.

The app is very useful for precise measurement. It takes into account the distance user’s mobile is from the object, ground and then calculates the dimensions from the specific object. It is available on iOS and Android (only beta version). 

If you enjoyed this article about the best augmented reality apps , you may like: 



  1. Thony Norelli

    Thanks for sharing this stuff with us!

  2. Vijay

    Wow, that’s impressive

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