Maria Virginia Rubio

An Overview of Devmio’s Conferences in 2024

An Overview of Devmio’s Conferences in 2024

Attending conferences and events is crucial for software developers and professionals to stay updated on the latest trends, best practices, and innovations. Devmio’s conferences, in particular, are highly anticipated events that promise to deliver cutting-edge insights and knowledge-sharing opportunities. These

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Artificial Intelligence Conferences 2024

Artificial Intelligence Conferences 2024

Artificial intelligence has quickly become one of the most talked-about technologies of our time. It’s everywhere, from our smartphones to our cars, revolutionizing the way we live and work. With AI evolving at such a rapid pace, it’s essential to

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The Impostor Syndrome in IT: 7 Tips to Overcome It
Agile web and app development

The Impostor Syndrome in IT: 7 Tips to Overcome It

If you are working in the IT industry, you have probably suffered from the Impostor Syndrome. The Impostor syndrome in IT is characterized by a persistent and irrational belief that one is not as competent as others perceive them to

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Interview with Mark Richards: GSAS 2023 Insights
Software architecture

Interview with Mark Richards: GSAS 2023 Insights

We had an interview with Mark Richards at GSAS 2023! If you are in the software development industry, you have probably heard of Mark Richards. Mark Richards is an experienced, hands-on software architect involved in the architecture, design, and implementation

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Interview with Annie Freeman, green software expert
Agile web and app development

Interview with Annie Freeman, Green Software Expert

At Apiumhub, we have started a series of interviews with green software experts to raise awareness about green software. Our first interview was with Paola Annis, engineering manager at Microsoft and founding member of the Green Software Foundation, and now

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A Look at Sonya Natanzon´s Experience at GSAS
Software architecture

A Look at Sonya Natanzon´s Experience at GSAS

In October 2023, Apiumhub proudly organized the Global Software Architecture Summit in Barcelona, an event that brought together over 550 attendees from 37 countries. GSAS served as a hub for cutting-edge discussions, insights, and innovations in software architecture. Attendees had

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Geekle's online events

A Sneak Peek into Geekle’s online events of 2024

Is attending more tech events an item on your bucket list for the new year? If so, you cannot miss all the Geekle’s online events of 2024. Geekle started doing online events when offline events were stopped completely during the

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Interview with Paola Annis, green software expert
Agile web and app development

Interview with Paola Annis, Green Software Expert

At Apiumhub, we recently launched an interview series where we engage with green software experts and visionaries to raise awareness about the topic and share some insightful tips. Our first initiative is an interview with Paola Annis, one of the

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Tech Career Boost: Tips for Success
Agile web and app development

Tech Career Boost: Tips for Success

In this era of digital transformation, where advancements occur at an unprecedented pace, staying relevant and competitive in your tech career is essential. The pursuit of excellence in technology becomes not just a career choice but a strategic imperative for

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Apium Academy software workshops to boost your career
Agile web and app development

Apium Academy Software Workshops to Boost Your Career

In the dynamic and ever-evolving landscape of the software development industry, staying up to date is not merely a choice but a strategic imperative. The rapid pace of technological advancements demands that professionals continually expand their skill sets and knowledge

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8 Tech Influencers to Follow on Social Media
Agile web and app development

8 Tech Influencers to Follow on Social Media

In today’s hyper-connected world, where technology is the heartbeat of progress, staying informed isn’t just a choice; it’s a necessity. Following tech influencers on social media isn’t just about scrolling through your feed; it’s about curating an invaluable stream of

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