Business Development

Schedule Flexibility

Why bosses should allow more schedule flexibility

Two of the biggest reasons people disengage at work are a) policies with arbitrary and often antiquated, strict and unnecessarily punitive time requirements and b) micro-management. A current workplace trend towards greater schedule flexibility in how, and where, and when … Read More

Operational Analytics

7 Benefits of Operational Analytics

With business-focused technologies on the rise, it’s becoming more important for organizations to learn how to use their data wisely. It’s a given that one should protect and secure their data, but it’s a completely different story when you’re analyzing … Read More

Memories Of An Entrepreneur

Memories of an Entrepreneur

I was invited to UB – Universitat de Barcelona to give a speech about entrepreneurship. I prepared this class for those students out there that want to open their own company in the future and hopefully these entrepreneur tips will … Read More

11 Productivity Apps You Will Ever Need

Grow Your Business Faster – 11 Productivity Apps You Will Ever Need

Let’s face it! Starting a business is tricky. Most business owners are notoriously busy, wearing different hats making it difficult to get one’s ducks in a row without inevitable stress. Further, scaling a business is a hard nut to crack. … Read More

Customized ERP Solutions

Why Consider customized ERP Solutions for Your Business: Benefits, Use Cases

Properly chosen ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software can help you to organize, automate and improve your business. Custom ERP software can increase the efficiency and maintain continuous growth. Unfortunately, choosing such kind of software randomly, you risk wasting money without … Read More

Pure MVP Application

B-Wom case study: Pure MVP application

One of the most important tasks that we carry out in Apiumhub is to collaborate with our clients for the implementation of agile development methodologies and the introduction of good software development practices ( software architecture, testing, etc.). And today … Read More

Luxury Products Demand Better Software

Why high-end luxury products demand better software

With an estimated value of $179 billion in the US, and still growing (despite the financial crisis) the luxury goods market is a considerable one. As the market expands, so will the number of consumers who shop for high-end goods … Read More

What Is The Value Of Ideas ?

What is the value of ideas ?

This is the time to celebrate transformation and new beginnings. Our society is orbiting around the Economy of Ideas. To be successful in this new age, a company needs to adapt quickly and take advantage of all opportunities. Can your … Read More

Minimum Viable Product

Less Is More – Minimum Viable Product

A lot of startups don’t even know what is MVP (minimum viable product), and begin their business with an idea that they think people need and want. They spend months, sometimes even years, perfecting their product without ever showing the … Read More

Digital Customer Journey

Digital customer journey tips and statistics

User experience is like a puzzle, you need to put all pieces together to see a beautiful picture and get satisfied. To achieve this, I strongly recommend you to get started with your customer journey mapping. Because of technology evolution … Read More

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