Apiumhub sponsors JBCNConf 2019

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700 Developers Will Gather in Barcelona for JBCNConf 2019! The fifth edition of JBCNConf, The Java and JVM Conference, will take place on the 27th to 29th of May in CCIB in Barcelona.

Barcelona has become one of the main technological cities in Europe. Also, Barcelona is always a one of the most preferred options for organizing international events. Since 2018, corporations such as Microsoft, Media Markt, Nestle, Lidl, Allianz, N26, Siemens and Facebook have settled there. According to Mobile World Capital report, Barcelona has been chosen as the 3rd city preferred by entrepreneurs to create start-ups and in the fourth position in the “10 technological hubs of the EU by number of startups” ranking.


Main facts about JBCNConf 2019

This new edition of JBCNConf aims to surpass the figures of 2018, gathering more than 700 attendees and 70 international speakers who will participate in the most important Java conferences in southern Europe. The JBCNConf 2019 is a meeting point for programmers and development professionals, who meet to network and learn about the Java world and its latest developments.

Java is a programming language chosen by companies such as Google, IBM or Mastercard for the creation of websites and mobile applications, being present in more than 15,000 million electronic devices in the world such as mobile phones, game consoles, computers, tablets or even supercomputers.

The JBCNConf 2019 speakers will discuss the great advances that Java has experienced in recent years as it is the programming language chosen by more than 9 million developers around the world.

The event has the support of international software development and programming companies such as Red Hat, Codurance, Clever Cloud, Oracle, Apiumhub and many others which are looking for recruiting the best international and Barcelona-based international developers at the event.
Both the Generalitat de Catalunya, through Smart Catalonia, and the Barcelona City Council, through Barcelona Activa, are supporting the congress organization which also has the collaboration of the promoters of the City Alliance “Barcelona Digital Talent”, the Mobile World Capital Barcelona Foundation, Cercle Tecnològic de Catalunya (CTecno) and ACEC (Catalan Association of Consulting Firms).

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Who are the organizers of JBCNConf 2019?

The event is organized by Barcelona JUG (Barcelona Java Users Group), a non-profit organization made up of programmers, engineers and other technology lovers. Nacho Cougil, software craftsman in Codurance and founder of Barcelona JUG, and Jonathan Vila, Red Hat senior software engineer specializing in the design and development of Java applications are making this event happen and are in change of the organization of this important and huge event. As professionals in their sector, they created the event with the goal of putting Barcelona in the international software development map.


What to expect from JBCNConf 2019?

Speakers come from all corners of the world to share their experience in various technologies and to invite everyone to participate in Open Source Technologies and in the JCP.

  • 3 days
  • 5 tracks
  • 700 Java lovers
  • 53 talks
  • 10 workshops
  • 72 speakers



This year the topics are insane, just look at them here. We can’t wait to attend them all:

  • Best practices in a modern (microservices) environment by Alvaro García
  • From object oriented to functional and back: the pursuit of pragmatic programming by Mario Fusco
  • Reactive Spring by Josh Long
  • Bulletproof Java Enterprise Applications for The Hard Production Life by Sebastian Daschner
  • Micro Frontend: the microservice puzzle extended to frontend by Audrey Neveu
  • Nowadays Architecture Trends, from Monolith to Microservices and Serverless by Alberto Salazar
  • Incremental adoption of microservices with an application gateway by Christian Posta
  • Live Refactoring Session: Getting rid of dirty code by Marcus Biel
  • Evolving a Pragmatic, Clean Architecture – A Craftsman’s Guide by Victor Rentea
  • Responsible Microservices by Nate Schutta
  • Continuous deployment to Kubernetes with the Google Container Tools by David Gageot
  • My Kotlin is better than your Java! by Paulien van Alst Brian Vermeer
    FP vs OOP: Choose Two by Brian Goetz
  • Let it fail: resilience patterns for microservices by João Alves
  • & many others
  JBCNConf 2019: The Pursuit of Pragmatic Programming



Theory is good, but practice is a must, don’t miss this chance to grow professionally by participating these workshops:

  • Full Stack Reactive with React and Spring WebFlux by Matt Raible Josh Long
  • Retrospective Sailing Workshop by Belinda Waldock
  • Learn Micronaut: a reactive microservices framework for the JVM by Álvaro Sánchez-Mariscal
  • How to split your software into microservices by Linda van der Pal Joanne Boerstoel Régina ten Bruggencate
  • & many others


Look at these heroes who come from all over the world to make this event happen! Different industries, different countries and continents, but all of them share the same passion for quality in software development world.

  • Alvaro García – Tech Lead & Principal Engineer at Apiumhub
  • Mario Fusco – Principal software engineer at Red Hat
  • Grzegorz Piwowarek – Lead system engineer at Casumo
  • Victor Rentea – Independent Trainer & Coach, Lead Architect at IBM Romania
  • Mercedes Wyss – CTO at Produactivity, Oracle Groundbreaker, Auth0 Ambassador
  • Christian Posta – Field CTO @soloio_inc, Speaker, Author of “Istio in Action” & “Microservices for Java Developers”
  • Arun Gupta – Principal Technologist at Amazon Web Services
  • Alex Soto – Java Champion, Engineer @ Red Hat. Speaker, CoAuthor of Testing Java Microservices book, Member of JSR374 and Java advocate
  • David Gageot – Developer Advocate at Google Cloud
  • Kai Waehner – Technology Evangelist for Confluent
  • Mala Gupta – Developer Advocate JetBrains, Java Champion, director WomenWhoCode, Leader DelhiJUG
  • Antonio López Zapata – Technical Product Owner at Schibsted
  • Patrick Kua – Chief Scientist at N26
  • João Alves – Backend tech-lead at mytaxi
  • Oscar Sacristán Agulló – Data Engineer at Zara
  • & many others


This event would not be possible without these guys! Thank you for contributing to the community and for helping bringing these renowned speakers to Barcelona.

  • RedHat
  • Codurance
  • Casumo
  • Mango
  • Glovo
  • Oracle
  • Netsuite
  • Bestsecret
  • N26
  • Netcentric
  • Mytaxi
  • Adaptive
  • Adevinta
  • Scopely
  • NewRelic
  • Dynatrace
  • Jelurida
  • Clever Cloud
  • Barcelona Digital Talent
  • Liferay
  • Sopra Steria
  • Wallapop
  • Marfeel
  • & some others
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Apiumhub sponsors JBCNConf 2019

Well, as we started to speak about sponsors, let us remind you that Apiumhub is a Galaxy Basic sponsor of JBCNConf 2019. What does that mean? We will have a stand there and we prepared some presents and surprises for you!

We can’t wait to meet you there, please, pass by our stand and just say HI 🙂


Alvaro García – Tech Lead & Principal Engineer at Apiumhub gives a talk about Best practices in a modern (microservices) environment

After having seen “the latest fad” for decades, we realize that there is no silver bullet. In this talk, we revisit the basics, influenced by Extreme Programming Practices, Principles, and Values. This is a talk to reflect on why we do the things that we do, to bring a purpose to our practices, and to review what has been working over the last 20 years, even if this is not so well-known yet.

We really hope you will love this event!

Btw, if you are interested in attending other software event in Barcelona, we recommend you: Global Software Architecture Summit, which will take place in Alimara Hotel 10th of October.

See you there?


  • Ekaterina Novoseltseva

    Ekaterina Novoseltseva is an experienced CMO and Board Director. Professor in prestigious Business Schools in Barcelona. Teaching about digital business design. Right now Ekaterina is a CMO at Apiumhub - software development hub based in Barcelona and organiser of Global Software Architecture Summit. Ekaterina is proud of having done software projects for companies like Tous, Inditex, Mango, Etnia, Adidas and many others. Ekaterina was taking active part in the Apiumhub office opening in Paseo de Gracia and in helping companies like Bitpanda open their tech hubs in Barcelona.

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