Apiumhub as a Partner of DeveloperWeek Europe

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Europe’s largest developer and engineering conference is fast approaching! We are talking about DeveloperWeek Europe 2023, the virtual conference that brings together engineering professionals, technical practitioners, and leaders across Europe to share the latest tech insights and trends.

This year, the event will take place on April 26th and 27th. Over 2,000 professionals are expected to attend virtually for two days of education and networking. At Apiumhub, we are excited to partner with such an enriching event that focuses on software engineering and contributes to the software development community.

DeveloperWeek Europe virtual conference

Conference Speakers

DeveloperWeek Europe speakers come from a wide variety of countries in Europe and renowned companies such as Microsoft, Google, Red Hat, Farfetch, Confluent, Meta, Capgemini, VMWare, Cisco, JPMorgan Chase, and more. Among the speakers, you may find:

  • Michael Cade – Senior Technologist at Kasten by Veeam
  • Filipi Pires – Security Researcher and Security Advocate at Saporo
  • Deepak Prabhakara – CEO & Co-founder at BoxyHQ
  • Inna Weiner – Senior Engineer Manager at Google
  • Luis Parada – Head of Engineering at Farfetch
  • Jeremy Davis – Chief Architecture for App Services at Red Hat
  • Serg Masis – Agronomic Data Scientist at Syngenta
  • Amin Ahmad – CTO and Co-founder at Vectara
  • Geetha Anne – Event Streaming Jedi at Confluent
  • Jessie Auguste – Software Engineer at CybSafe
  • Lorenzo Barbieri – Technical Wizard at Microsoft
  • Matthias Biel – API Strategist at Software AG
  • Alpa Buddhabhatii – Azure Consultant at Cluster Reply
  • Shane Curran – CEO and founder of Evervault
  • Natasha Chernyavsky – Senior Software Engineer at Helios
  • Raz Cohen – Senior DevOps Engineer at Permit.io
  • Mackenzie Jackson – Developer Advocate at GitGuardian
  • Tobias Hoppenthaler – Principal IT Consultant at msg.group
  • Alexandre Lemos – Senior Research Analyst at Outsystems
  • …and many more!
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We suggest you visit the DeveloperWeek Europe site to see the full conference schedule and learn more about the speakers who will be sharing their knowledge and expertise at the conference and their talks. We are sure that all the talks will be enriching; there is always something new to learn!

Conference Tracks

There will be 9 different tracks at DeveloperWeek Europe, including:

  • DevExec & DevLead – designed for executives and managers to learn more about technical leadership.
  • AI & Machine Learning – features talks related to chatbots, machine learning, and open-source AI libraries.
  • Javascript Summit – covers frontend and backend framework and library choices.
  • Dev Innovation – dedicated to new technologies and trends that accelerate development.
  • API & Microservices – focuses on techniques and technologies for advancing your API.
  • DevOps & Security – covers the basics in performance monitoring, DevOps tools, continuous integration, orchestration, and DevOps analytics.
  • Containers & Kubernetes – focuses on the newest Containers and Kubernetes innovations and technologies.
  • Cloud Native & Cloud Computing – covers best practices, success stories, and architectures.
  • Hackathon – 100% virtual in which participants will have to present a project in groups.

Event Hackathon

The ninth track of DeveloperWeek Europe is a hackathon that is 100% virtual! Everyone is allowed to participate, including developers, designers, business development personnel, and anything in between. Over 300 attendees are expected to participate, present their projects, and win prizes. There will be two rounds of judging; the judges have not yet been confirmed. If you want to participate in this hackathon, you must pre-register on Eventbrite and in DevPost. C

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Community FREE Tickets

Interested in attending DeveloperWeek Europe? We have great news! The conference organizers have given us 50 free open passes and discounted (-€100) VIP/EXEC passes to the conference so that the members of our community can attend the event.  

Register for your free OPEN Pass here through 11:59 PM (GMT+1) on April 26 (or until our supply is gone!) to get your free OPEN Pass. Don’t miss this amazing opportunity. We hope to see you there on April 26th and 27th! 


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