Apiumhub supports Craft Conference one more year

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One more year we support Craft Conference as we believe this is a very interesting event. You can read more about our collaboration and past edition of the conference here

About Craft Conference

Craft Conference returns in person for the first time since 2019! One of the largest software developer conferences in the region, with unmissable talks and workshops between 31 May to 3 June.

Interested in the hottest topics of this fast changing area?

Listen to more than 70 speakers coming from the biggest companies like Ebay, Google, Spotify, IBM and NASA introducing you to some exciting topics, like:

  • Software Design
  • Open Source Security
  • Architectural Design
  • Service Mesh
  • Apache APISIX

Craft Conference is an international festival-like event about software delivery craft. It combines talk sessions, workshops and a hackathon where attendees can learn about the latest tools, methods and practices of software craft. 

The importance of software delivery craftsmanship is increasing constantly. Craft can help companies to understand how important it is to invest in the way they develop: not just into engineering but into the whole value generation process. Craft Conference is an event where any type of engineers, team leaders, agile coaches, engineering managers, executives/founders, UX/product people could learn a lot. To achieve this goal from year to year organizers invite a really unique speaker line-up.

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  • Emily Bache – Technical Coach at Proagile 
  • Kelsey Hightower – Principal engineer at Google 
  • Ire Aderinokun – Co-founder, COO, VP of Engineering at Helicarrier  
  • Kevlin Henney – thought provoker at Curbralan 
  • Melanie Cebula – staff engineer at Airbnb 
  • Michael Feathers – director at R7K research & conveyance 
  • Neal Ford – Director, software architect at Thoughtworks 
  • Randy Shoup – VP Engineering and chief architect at ebay  
  • Smruti Patel – head of engineering, data platform at Stripe 
  • Dave Farley – founder and director at Continuous Delivery 
  • Douglas Creager – staff engineering manager at Github 
  • Frank Chen – senior staff software engineer at Slack 
  • Holly Cummins  – innovation leader at IBM
  • Luca Mezzalira – principal solutions architect at AWS
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Check out the speakers!

Topics to be discussed

Craft Conference will cover:

  • Language agnostic methods, best practices (tdd, bdd, ddd, ci, cd, security, performance, service oriented architecture etc.) that can be successfully leveraged by individual engineers. 
  • Team and organisational level topics, best practices (agile, devops etc.) that can help companies work more effectively. This includes a diverse set of topics, like how to scale development, how to create great company culture, how to create growing/innovation mindset, how to create an experimental culture, agile/lean practices etc.
  • New trends, emerging technologies (containerisation, functional programming, languages, distributed systems, CRFTs, newsql etc.) that are increasingly important to be familiar with.


Also, this edition will have a Crafthack – Craft is looking for young talented individuals who have fresh ideas and would love to make a difference but are in need of financial or professional support. 

About last year’s event: 

  • 196 registered participants
  • 41 mentoring sessions
  • 16 submitted project
  • 6 winners

CraftHack is looking for innovative solutions that are realistic and sustainable. During the event, you’ll have to work on existing problems defined by the event partners.


If you’d like to attend any of these workshops, please note that you will need to purchase a separate ticket. Craft Conference tickets by themselves do NOT include the workshops: 

  • Building Resilient Components with Automating Testing – Adekunle Oduye (Plaid)
  • Software Architecture: The Hard Parts – Neal Ford (Thoughtworks, Inc.)
  • Advanced Kubernetes – Jérôme Petazzoni (Tiny Shell Script)
  • Event-Driven and Reactive Microservice Architectures, done right. – David Leitner (SQUER Solutions)
  • Quick start to resilient software design – Uwe Friedrichsen (codecentric AG)
  • Beyond Psychological Safety – Tools From Psychology For Enabling Intelligent, High-Performing Teams – Joseph Pelrine & Tatiana (Lukyanova) Pastukhova (Mind Twist Consulting)
  • Continuous Testing in DevOps – Hands-on strategies for developers – Emily Bache (ProAgile)
  • No (Lab) Jacket Required: Designing Experiments for Learning – Matthew Philip (Pfizer)
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Sponsors and Partners

All of the previous conferences have been a great success and organizers plan on making it one too. Take a tour in our video gallery, where you’ll find a wealth of positive feedback from sponsors, attendees and speakers: Video

Meet sponsors and partners of this edition: 

  • Tesco Technology – Diamond Sponsor
  • Continental – Platinum sponsor 
  • Nevis – Platinum sponsor 
  • Adnovum – Gold sponsor
  • Bosch – Gold sponsor
  • Cloudera – Gold sponsor
  • Diligent – Gold sponsor
  • Epam – Gold sponsor
  • Formlabs – Gold sponsor
  • GoTo – Gold sponsor
  • Hearsay – Gold sponsor
  • Instructure – Gold sponsor
  • LastPass – Gold sponsor
  • Morgan Stanley – Gold sponsor
  • SAP – Gold sponsor
  • Shapr3D – Gold sponsor
  • Tresorit – Gold sponsor
  • CAE – Silver sponsor
  • Super charge – Silver sponsor
  • Codecentric – Bronze sponsor
  • Kubermatic – Bronze sponsor
  • SQUER – Bronze sponsor
  • Upbound – Bronze sponsor
  • WIX Engineering – Bronze sponsor
  • Ziverge – Bronze sponsor
  • Apiumhub – media partner 

Craft Conference is all about providing a creative place where you can learn about all the angles of software delivery craft. The word delivery is intentional, at the end of the day what really matters is not the code but the value we deliver to our customers.

Craft Conference offers the community a holistic view as we believe that the different parts of product engineering are interconnected and all the aspects are important to deliver value. We need to understand what customers want, we need to have the capabilities to turn those needs into working functionalities effectively and efficiently, and we need systems that serve those values in a reliable, scalable, and secure way.

It is a fast-changing profession that requires you to continuously adapt to keep up your game with all of the news trends. At Craft, it is Craft Conference goal to present to you recently emerging technologies, best practices, and advanced aspects to the commonly used technologies, language-agnostic methods that need to be in the toolbox of all professionals, and many different aspects needed to build an outstanding product engineering organization.

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What makes Craft Conference  so special?

With 3 keynote sessions, more than 60 talks, 6 hands-on tutorials, and 10 workshops, Craft Conference speakers, who are experts in their area, share their knowledge about all the various aspects of software development.

Craft Conference gathers together 80 world-class practitioners from leading companies like Google, Microsoft, eBay, Airbnb, Slack, etc. who share all their real experiences and learnings.

Craft Conference has a special vibe. You can engage with and be inspired by 2000+ like-minded professionals during the 4 days of the conference.

Craft Conference provides special events to the audience like the Meetup Evenings and the Conference Party where you can network with people coming from 50+ countries all over the world.

Craft Conference provides most of the talks and their materials to you after the conference.

And… you can enjoy the wonderful city of Budapest for 4 days, where the event is taking place. And you will see the coolest conference venue in the city: a railway museum.

Got interested? Get your tickets here and let’s meet at the conference!


  • Ekaterina Novoseltseva

    Ekaterina Novoseltseva is an experienced CMO and Board Director. Professor in prestigious Business Schools in Barcelona. Teaching about digital business design. Right now Ekaterina is a CMO at Apiumhub - software development hub based in Barcelona and organiser of Global Software Architecture Summit. Ekaterina is proud of having done software projects for companies like Tous, Inditex, Mango, Etnia, Adidas and many others. Ekaterina was taking active part in the Apiumhub office opening in Paseo de Gracia and in helping companies like Bitpanda open their tech hubs in Barcelona.

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