Apiumhub, re-branded.

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Lately we’ve been going through some changes here. We actually re-branded, got a new look, changed domain, and more! Here’s a bit more detail about what made us go through all those changes, about what makes us Apiumhub.

A fresh new start for us!

First things first, let’s understand our name:


Apium has and will always be representative of our identity. You might not know this, but Apium comes from the word Apium graveolens which is the scientific name for celery. Yes, celery, the vegetable.

I must say it all started over a celery fight but that’s what lead us to doing a research about this amazing vegetable which we found out has great benefits, just like the software we develop. What are the main benefits? It cleans your system, fixes all sorts of health issues and is preventive of various illnesses.

So we thought, why not a clean & healthy software?


What is a hub? There are various definitions to what a hub is, and one of them is “the effective centre of an activity, region, or network”.

A hub can be seen as a common connection point, the centre of an activity or the central or main part of something where there is most activity.

That’s what we want to be. We are more than just a software development company, we are a tech hub that reunites innovation, design & technology. Quite logic isn’t it? Apiumhub!

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An obvious reason would that celery is green. But that’s not why we chose the color. Actually, we were looking for a color that would represent our fresh new start and at the same time would give a feeling of a clean renewal.

In fact green can mean many things as for example growth, reliability, prosperity, mental clarity, renewal & safety. And let’s be honest, we love the color!

A bit more about Apiumhub

Our mission

At Apiumhub, we want to continue growing our community & our areas of expertise by bringing together the most passionate & advanced experts to deliver working software that will have an impact on the tech industry.

Our values

We truly believe in building long-term relationships with our clients to become their technology partner and stand by their side along the way.

New office

We finally moved to our new office! I am not going to lie, it’s been difficult and quite long to find the perfect place. The team was growing, specially since the launch of our spinoff North, there was almost no more space in the old office.

So after months of research, we finally found it. Our new home. A beautiful charming office in the Eixample neighbourhood, right in plaza Urquinaona. Separated in two spaces, we share it with our partners, North. The office is big, high ceilings, natural light coming in, ping pong table, terrasse.. What more can we ask for?

Platform improvements

From one side we just used a CMS framework, but from the other side, we automated the deployment with docker. This allows us to have multiple environments that have automatic processes for synchronisation: database migration, plugins installation, assets, etc.

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Of course rebranding also includes redesigning our website. We absolutely wanted it to reflect who we are & our identity; a dynamic & strategic team of experts in platform scalability & performance with a strong focus on clients, quality & clean processes.

Monthly newsletter

We listened to our followers & asked some feedback and decided to adapt the content of our newsletter to your needs. From now on, our newsletter will mainly include industry news & tech events & meetups.

Some of our latest projects


Agora is an amazing marketplace for images. It gets rid of intermediaries and brings together potential buyers & people that are willing to sell their own images & art.

One of the greatest features of Agora is the option to create “requests” (a feature we are very proud to have developed) which are contests that companies start, requesting a specific image to the users of Agora.

I won’t go too much in detail regarding the product, here’s their website if you’re interested.

This project is like out “baby”. We have covered the whole product development cycle and have become their tech partner.


The solutions that icar provide help their customers when it comes to validating the identity of people through automatic read of ID documents.

Icar helps prevent identity fraud by combining the need to provide maximum security with an optimal user experience.

We have worked on various projects of icar with the help of North, our digital product partner, and hope to keep this strong relationship. Also we were very happy to see Icar on MWC17 presenting their new app developed by us. This company is promising to grow and we belive that they will change the future of identity.

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We got amazing projects with Nestle, Banco Falabella, Fitness First, Antai, and many others. Check out our projects page to know more.

Do you want to discuss the possibilities for your company ? Please contact us, we will be happy to discuss your project!

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  • Ekaterina Novoseltseva

    Ekaterina Novoseltseva is an experienced CMO and Board Director. Professor in prestigious Business Schools in Barcelona. Teaching about digital business design. Right now Ekaterina is a CMO at Apiumhub - software development hub based in Barcelona and organiser of Global Software Architecture Summit. Ekaterina is proud of having done software projects for companies like Tous, Inditex, Mango, Etnia, Adidas and many others. Ekaterina was taking active part in the Apiumhub office opening in Paseo de Gracia and in helping companies like Bitpanda open their tech hubs in Barcelona.

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