How to do guest posting at Apiumhub

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Apiumhub has started guest blogging in 2017 and we are very happy about it! It gives our blog more value because software experts from different industries and countries share with us their opinion, and we end up seeing the same problem from different angles. We like to discuss tech topics! So today we decided to write an article about how to do guest posting on Apiumhub’s blog.

Actually, Apiumhub’s blog became popular; we have loyal readers, a solid newsletter base and loads of social media followers. By writing for our blog, your guest post will be viewed by all those readers. So if you have something to share that is related to software development or software architecture, this is the right place.

No in-house writing team knows everything about what they cover; sometimes it makes sense to bring in an external opinion that will bring new insight regarding a topic that our readers care about. Therefore, we regularly publish guest posts from experts who can provide unique and useful perspectives to our readers about latest news, trends, emerging technologies, working methodologies, best practices and other areas of interest related to the software industry. We’re always happy to receive articles written by passionate tech experts who know their stuff. As the landscape of tech changes at the speed of light, we try to add to our blog things like tutorials, reviews, comparisons and deep-dives about pretty much anything that would make an advanced developer’s life easier.

Tech topics we are interested in

How to do guest posting at Apiumhub ? The first thing is to write relevant content. While we’re open to pitches about any software topic that you feel would interest our readers, you’ll definitely catch our attention if you talk about any of these subjects:

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Agile software development

  • TDD, CI, Unit testing
  • Agile frameworks; extreme programming, kanban, scrum, etc.
  • Agile tools
  • Agile case studies
  • Retrospectives
  • Sprint planning

Software Architecture

  • DDD
  • Docker
  • Microservices
  • Java, Scala, Nodejs, .NET, Angularjs, Reactjs, PHP
  • Natural language processing
  • Service Oriented Architecture
  • Platform scalability
  • Development process automation
  • Architecture documentation

Mobile development

  • Kotlin (Android)
  • RxSwift
  • Swift
  • Objective-c
  • Java (Android)
  • MVVM (Swift)
  • Viper
  • Swift Functional
  • Mobile Architectures (Clean architecture in iOS / Clean architecture in Android)
  • Design Patterns (Delegate, Factory, Singleton, Observer, Target-Action, etc.)
  • Fastlane
  • Continuous integration in mobile (Jenkins, Travis, CircleCI, BuddyBuild)
  • Unit Testing in mobile
  • Mobile databases (Realm, SQLlitte, Core Data)
  • Multiplatform applications (Xamarin, React Native, Native Script)
  • MBaaS (Mobile backend as a Service: Firebase, Azure cloud, Bluemix)
  • Dependency Management (Gradle, Carthage, Cocoapods,Swift Package)

Frontend development

  • MVP
  • Rxjs
  • Typescript and Javascript
  • Flow vs Typescript vs Es6
  • Angularjs vs react
  • Redux
  • Babel vs Webpack
  • Gulp/grunt vs npm scripts

Backend development

  • Kotlin
  • Swift in backend and linux
  • Swift Docker
  • Scala
  • Universal quantification
  • Existential types
  • Structural types in scala and typescript
  • Value Classes
  • Abstract type members
  • Function by value
  • Type Erasure and Reification
  • Self-type annotations
  • Partial functions
  • Typeclasses
  • Cake Pattern
  • F-bound polymorphism
  • Coproduct types
  • Traits and Mixins
  • Monad advanced combinators
  • Expressions and implicit returns 

Format we are interested in

  • Tutorials & tips useful for software developers
  • Technical book recommendations
  • List of tools and resources
  • Programming, software architecture and tech industry related articles.
  • Industry trends topics like cloud computing, big data, IOT, etc.
  • Productivity tools and tips
  • Examples
  • Facts & statistics
  • Case studies
  • Recommendations based on experience
  • Checklists
  • Infographics with text, explaining the infographic and the topic

Simple rules to follow. Our guidelines on how to do guest posting. 

We want to maintain quality standards on our guest posts, here you will see basic standard rules to follow to be able to publish your article on our tech blog. 

  1. The post should be in the same context of our blog topics (check our categories and topics listed in this article).
  2. The article should have min 1000 words.
  3. Articles should be written in English or Spanish; they should contain good grammar and punctuation.
  4. Structure your posts into paragraphs with headings and subtitles.
  5. Posts with no plagiarism, all articles should be unique and should not be published anywhere else.
  6. Promotional articles are not accepted.
  7. Articles should contain references.
  8. Must focus on the quality of the article. For example, if you want to write an article showcasing a testing method, ensure you have personally tested it. Because if this method won’t be working, then the article is useless for readers.
  9. Material with a helpful, problem-solving core.
  10. Articles are aimed at advanced developers and executives; the content has to reach a certain depth of sophistication and knowledge.
  11. Make a strong, clear argument supported by examples, details and data.
  12. Be sure to include an author bio, including details on your background and expertise that make it clear why your opinion on the topic should count to readers. You may include a Gravatar image and social media accounts, if you have them.
  13. You must agree to respond to comments from readers.
  14. We allow you to include a link to your site or blog in your bio as well as another one in your article, if it is related to the topic.
  15. We do not charge or pay you for your guest post.
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Our readers trust us to provide useful, practical, helpful, actionable information that brings them significant benefits. 

How to do guest posting for Apiumhub’s tech blog

  1. Send us the topic you have in mind with an outline or summary of the key points you will be covering at [email protected]  
  2. Once we approve your topic, send us your article in Word format, including:
    • Your full name with a short bio
    • Links to your previous publications
    • A confirmation giving us the right to publish it and stating that this article won’t be published anywhere else
  3.  Once we approve the article, we will confirm to you on which day it will be published on our blog

We believe in long term relationship

The guest posting at our blog is a long term relationship. We love our guest bloggers to write more than 1 article and engage with our readers. We promote guest posts via our social media and newsletter.

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One last thing, please be patient! Some days can be very busy and we can’t always reply as quickly as we’d like. But we will reply and let you know as soon as possible! Hope to hearing from you soon! If you have any questions or doubts about how to do guest posting at Apiumhub, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

And if you are interested in other guest blogging opportunities for other industries, check this list provided by izideo here

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  • Ekaterina Novoseltseva

    Ekaterina Novoseltseva is an experienced CMO and Board Director. Professor in prestigious Business Schools in Barcelona. Teaching about digital business design. Right now Ekaterina is a CMO at Apiumhub - software development hub based in Barcelona and organiser of Global Software Architecture Summit. Ekaterina is proud of having done software projects for companies like Tous, Inditex, Mango, Etnia, Adidas and many others. Ekaterina was taking active part in the Apiumhub office opening in Paseo de Gracia and in helping companies like Bitpanda open their tech hubs in Barcelona.

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  1. Hannah George

    Dear Admin!
    This is Hannah George.
    I am a freelance writer and know how hard it is to write good quality content. However, I found your website “” suitable for my articles. I need to contribute to your website, Can I have the guidelines and the criteria of getting this done?
    All the content provided will be original, of high quality, and without any plagiarism.
    Looking forward to a positive response,
    Hannah George
    Business Relationship Manager
    Thank you!
    Best Regards,
    Hannah George

  2. Delly Kelly

    Hope you are doing Great!
    My name is Delly Kelly and I’ am Project Manager in IT Firm. I’ve been following your blog for quite some time now, and I love your content and the topics you share with your readers on ( Such a great blog and I do appreciate your insights and thoughts.
    I noticed that you have a few opportunities for guest posting. I’m interested in contributing content to your blog.
    The Articles which I will be providing you will be 100% Unique, Copy Scape Protected.
    Please let me know if you are interested in this. We will discuss topics and charges.
    Thank you so much and hope to hear from you soon.
    Let me know what your views.
    Denny Kelly

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