
Apiumhub BLOG 3 2

Server-Side Web Pages With Kotlin (Pt. 2)

Recap: Server-side web pages with Kotlin In the first article, server-side web pages with Kotlin part 1, a brief history of web development was outlined: namely, the four main stages being static HTML page delivery; server-side programmatic creation of web … Read More

Back to the future: server-side web pages with kotlin pt 1

Server-Side Web Pages With Kotlin (pt. 1)

Introduction: Server-Side Web Pages With Kotlin Web development has undergone a variety of changes since the internet became popularized in the 1990s: First came the most basic of the basic: HTML pages that were completely statically rendered, with no dynamism … Read More

JSON in Kotlin: Comparing options

JSON in Kotlin: Comparing Options

In any web service that receives and transmits data to and from a server, the first and last events will usually be transforming the data from the format used by the web request into the format that the web server … Read More

Project Loom & Kotlin: Some experiments

Project Loom And Kotlin: Some Experiments

A Primer The publishing of Java 19 in September of this year heralded the first public release of the much-awaited Project Loom into the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) ecosystem. A brief description for those who are unaware: Project Loom is … Read More

Quarkus GraalVM ES

Quarkus GraalVM. Supersonic Subatomic Java, Kotlin & Scala

Due to the actual microservices server paradigm & server costs corresponding to resource’s consumption, Quarkus is a framework that caught my attention some years ago, as it solves JVM language problems on these concerns. In this article you will find … Read More

Kotlin 1.4 Online Event

Kotlin 1.4 Online Event

Recently, the Kotlin Online Event organized by Jetbrains was held to discuss the latest version of the language and also to replace what in principle and under normal circumstances would have been the KotlinConf that has been postponed for next … Read More

Kotlin Everywhere

Kotlin Everywhere in Barcelona

Every day there is more and more activity around Kotlin, the community is growing and Jetbrains launches new initiatives to offer online resources, as well as offline events and talks in every corner of the world. And this autumn we … Read More

How To Implement A Redux Library

How to implement a Redux library with kotlin and Rx

In this article we will cover how to implement a Redux library with Kotlin and Rx. But first things first, let’s start with the small introduction to Redux library: In essence Redux is an architecture that has three pillars: A … Read More

Kotlin Vs Java

Java vs Kotlin

In Apiumhub we work with controlerless architecture called Pure MVP a lot ( We named it MVPP ), which is based on the concepts of composition of functions and investment of dependencies. You can find more information about it in … Read More

Why Kotlin Language, Android?

Why Kotlin language, Android? Why did Google choose Kotlin ?

Why Kotlin language? If today I was asked what is one of the characteristics that distinguishes the development of Android applications from the rest of the fields, I would not hesitate to answer that the possibility of executing the same … Read More

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